Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome to One Logos

"One Logos" - why the title of this blog? The title of this blog is born out of the belief that at the root of all that is Good, True and Beautiful there is one central reality being reflected - the One Logos, the One Word ("logos" being the transliteration of the Greek for "word" or "reason"). Central to my Christian faith is the believe that there is a One to which all things point. I once heard it said by a person much wiser than I, "Any story well told ultimately serves the One." This blog will comment on many different subjects, issues and events. But, ultimately, regradless of its reflections and musings, underneath it all I hope to catch glimpses of, offer reflections upon, the One Logos.

Why one more blog? Aren't there enough already? Well, sure there are plenty of blogs to choose from. And where they speak of what is Good, True and Beautiful they are a reflection of the One Logos as well. I encourage you: "Pick up and read!"

But, each reflection has it own unique contribution to offer. Each strand of a beautiful tapistry is needed to reveal the awe and wonder of the woven image. My strand offered? That of an Episcopal parish priest in south Kansas City with a passion to see the church live out a life that is engaging, relevant, healthy, vibrant, and that reflects and shares the Light of Christ in the world.

A central question for me and this blog: from my finite, incarnated/embodied existance - from my point on the map of time, space, and context - where do I see the One Logos at play, at work in the world? Will each post ask this question directly? No. And they need not to. But, where what is said points to what is Good, True and Beautiful in the world, then I hope we'll see the One at play. May it be so...


  1. I enjoy all of your writings. So will enjoy visiting you here often. It would be nice to get an e-mail alert when a new blog entry is added by you. - - - I see Christ (the Word) playing in the shimmering snowflakes as they fall gently in the sunlight (what a beautiful world He has made!) I see Him at work in my own heart as I ask for direction in dealing with a difficult situation even today (He is the Wonderful Counselor, or Wonderful and Counselor).

  2. Well, Brother, welcome to the blogosphere! It can be an exciting place - and sometimes a bit obsessive. I know folks will be happy to read your work.

  3. Thanks Marshall for the welcome! And thanks Godquest for sharing where you've encountered the Word present and active in you personal life lately. I look forward to sharing with you all here!
