Friday, March 18, 2011

A Spiritual, Intellectual and Life Earth Quake: Mission to and Return from Haiti

It's been a month now since my return from Haiti (hence, my lack of blog posts). Returning from a place like Haiti can certainly send one's mind into a spin. While in Haiti I felt like my heart and mind were caught on fire about questions concerning poverty, oppression, justice, and our common responsibility to one another as human beings. It is like my political, economic, social, ethical and religious consciousness have undergone an "earthquake." I don't think I'll ever see the world the same again. At least I hope not.

I'm not quite sure what all this will mean or how I am being changed by God in the middle of all this. But, I know I am being changed, and while it is painful at times, I am glad for it. I feel newly connected to things that are meaningful and connected to the real situation of the world (clean water, sanitation, children's education, community and economic development,etc.). Are you surprised theology is not in there? Well, theology (and the remaking of my theology in relationship to a living and dynamic God who is active and present in the world) is at the root of all of this. Why was I in Haiti? Because of my theology. I believe in the Missio Dei and the Trinitarian Externality of God's movement toward all of creation, humanity and particularly the poor and marginalized (read the Gospel of Luke). And why do I feel a call to be connecting to Haiti through The Incarnation Project*? It is because of renewed, dynamic and living theology, and the love God that I feel b being birthed in my heart for the Haitian people. God has called me to consider what it means for all to be One in Christ. What else can I do but stay connected with this calling which is deeply about loving people through getting them clean water, sanitation, education and a sustainable community.

*What is the Incarnation Project?
The Incarnation Project is a partnership of Episcopal Churches in the United States (St. Christopher's - Pensacola FL, Holy Nativity - Panama City, St. Mary Magdalene - Kansas City MO, St. Thomas the Apostle - Kansas City, KS) working collaboratively to assist the Church and School of the Incarnation in Le Pretre Haiti with the purpose of assisting the people of Le Pretre in establishing a self-sustaining community through education. Clean water, sanitation, support education and the buildings to carry out such education are key priorities of the project.